Sunday, December 21, 2008

Nauvoo Bread

Julie and I received this recipe when we visited Nauvoo last year. Count on four hours to make this recipe. The dough rises FOUR times. This is an excellent recipe to use up potato flakes and powdered milk from food storage! Makes 6 of the above sized loaves or 4 large round loaves. I had a very hard time getting the shortening to dissolve so I would recommend melting the shortening first or just using oil. I used olive oil and tastes just fine.

Nauvoo Bread
5 cups HOT water
1/2 cup potato flakes
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup powdered milk
1 1/2 T salt
1/2 cup oil or shortening
2 T. yeast
10-14 cups of flour

In the largest bowl you've got combine hot water, shortening (or oil), potato flakes, powdered milk and sugar. Stir to dissolve shortening. When temperature is tepid, add yeast. Mix in 5 cups of flour and the salt. Stir to a smooth elastic sponge (that instruction makes me laugh everytime. I'm stirring a sponge! ha ha). Add flour to make a smooth and elastic dough. Let rise until double (about 45 minutes). Punch down and let rise again. Shape into loaves. Put into greased loaf pans or put round loaves onto baking sheets sprinkled with cornmeal. Let rise.
Bake at 375 degrees F for about 30-35 minutes.

1 comment:

Rayburn Family said...

This IS great bread...I like making the round loaves.